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“I think that painting today is pure intuition and luck.”

Francis Bacon on Matthew Smith (1909-1992)

For most of us, our relationship with art begins with a line. We take a pencil or a crayon and delineate our idea. In our enthusiasm, we may even attempt to colour it in. In the experience of many, that attempt leads only to disappointment. We know that a painting is more than just a coloured-in drawing, but how do we do it? What exactly is the difference?

This ten week course explores the gulf between drawing and painting and then seeks to provide a bridge between the two disciplines. Beginning with simple pencil studies, we will then develop our work in both charcoal and ink, gaining confidence in our abilities, before painting in bold colour.

The theme for this particular 10 week Pencil To Paint course will be ‘abstraction’ with particular focus on the work of Kandinsky, Kline, Rothko and Diebenkorn.

Topics will include:

Gesture and mark-making


Composition and form

Tables and chairs and a roll of newsprint paper are provided. Please bring a drawing board, paper or pad and your preferred drawing media. Materials required for sessions using colour will be discussed nearer the time.

Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available for a small donation.

16:30 – 18:00

Wednesdays: 25 September; 02, 09, 16, 23, October; 06, 13, 20, 27 November; 04 December  – 10 x 1.5 hour sessions

Qualify for 10% discount on art materials at selected retailers when you attend your first session!

‘Thank you so much for all your patience… you explained the concept better than anyone else has done.’ P.R. Bristol

‘I really enjoyed attending your Wednesday afternoon class at Claverton Down Community Hall.  It is many years since I have done any art… It has been very good to learn about modern art and colour theory and working with acrylics.’ C.T. Bath


Claverton Down Community Hall
Claverton Down Road

Wednesdays 16:30 – 18:00
commencing 25 September 2019 for 10 weeks

Sessions: 10 x 1.5 hour sessions

Cost: £110

David regrets that he cannot accept pro rata payments.


You can book online quickly and easily using either a debit/credit card or PayPal. For alternative payment methods, please contact David.

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