“Art is not a hobby, it is a life skill; as necessary and as mind-expanding as reading, writing and arithmetic. Through drawing, painting and making of any kind, we become more intimate with the world around us, because the first part of the process is learning to see, not only with our eyes but with our minds.”
David Chandler
During the pandemic, most of David’s on-line art courses were free.
You can help him to cover costs by making a donation
Art Classes
Art Holidays
Pack up your paints and paper and join David for an art adventure! Painting holidays…
Artist Mentoring
Watercolour Workshop
The Book
Tate: Master Watercolour is a practical book project that began in September 2018 and took…
From the Blog…
Top Carrot!
“Courage is knowing it might hurt and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same.” - Jeremy Goldberg To enter an art competition, I’d imagine that you’d need at least one…
Everything including the kitchen sink!
My new course on watercolours begins next week. Titled, ‘Watercolour Essentials,’ it’s going to cover all the things you really need to get started in the medium that not only…
Shadow Play
At the life class on a dull day, a couple of weeks ago, I was struck by the way the strong light from the work lamp obscured as much of…
An Enchanted Eye and Hand
The last six lessons of my online course, Watercolour A to Z, began with the letter U and that fundamental technique of art practise, the underpainting. In watercolour, there's no…

Master Watercolour
David’s book Tate: Master Watercolour is available now from all good bookshops, both on and offline!
“Wow. I am thoroughly enjoying your book…“ C.H. Wiltshire
“…a great studio companion…” L.P. Wiltshire
“…just oozing with inspiration!“ R.O. Somerset
“Such a wonderful book!” R.G. California
Get in Touch
If you are interested in any of David’s projects and would like more information then please email david@davidchandler.net or use the contact form.